Frequently asked questions

These are questions we are often asked. If you can’t find the answer you are looking for then please get in touch, we are always happy to help.


When can my child start Playgroup?

Children may start at Deganwy Playgroup, if a place is available, at any time after they are 2½ years old and can remain with us until they start full time school.

What sessions to you run?

Our Playgroup sessions run every weekday during term with various sessions options available between 8.45am and 2.45pm. Our sessions times are 8.45am-10.45am for our 2½ year olds and offer additional sessions once a child turns 3 years old, they are 8.45am-1pm and 8.45am-2.45pm. The number of sessions your child attends will primarily depend on personal choice and availability, although we recommend a minimum of two sessions per week.

We also have two sessions available to link with Ysgol Deganwy’s nursery class, these are 9.00am-1pm and 11am-2.45pm, these are our Playgroup Plus sessions.

Our term dates reflect those of Ysgol Deganwy, these can be found on: https://www.conwy.gov.uk/en/Resident/Education-and-Families/Assets/documents/Dyddiadau-Gwyliau-Ysgol-Conwy-2019-2022-Conwy-School-Holiday-Dates-v8-09-03-20.pdf




How much does a session cost?

For the 8.45am-10.45am session we charge £10, £18 for 8.45am-1pm and £22 for the 8.45am-2.45pm session.  Playgroup Plus sessions are charged at £18.

We are registered with the Welsh Governments’ 30 Hour Childcare scheme which is available when a child turns 3 years old, subject to eligibility. Visit https://www.gov.wales/get-30-hours-childcare-3-and-4-year-olds/apply

3 Year funding is available for children who turn 3 before January and Easter and covers the cost of each session booked.  For more information visit https://www.conwy.gov.uk/en/Resident/Education-and-Families/Family-Information-and-Childcare/Childcare-Information-for-Parents/Early-Education-for-3-7-Year-Olds/Early-Years-Education-Funding-for-3-Year-Olds.aspx We are also registered with the Tax free childcare scheme, for every £8 you pay into your account the Government pays in an additional £2.  Visit https://www.gov.uk/tax-free-childcare


Do I need to pay a deposit to secure my child’s sessions?

Yes, we require a 2-week deposit to secure any future sessions.  This payment will be offset against the first 2 weeks fees once your child starts with us.  If they are to receive funding, you will be refunded once we have received the first payment.

Sessions will only be confirmed once the deposit has been paid.

How do I pay my fees and deposit?

Fees are payable in advance by bank transfer to: Deganwy Playgroup, account number 81652710, sort code 403007.  Please use your child’s name as reference.  Unpaid fees may result in a child’s place being withdrawn.  We are a charity who relies on the timely payment of your child’s fees to operate successfully.  You will not receive a receipt or invoice unless requested.  Fees are still chargeable if your child is off due to sickness, or you are taking them on holiday during term time but not if we are closed due to teacher’s training days or for adverse weather conditions for example.

Deposits to be paid to the account detailed above, please use your child’s name followed by deposit as reference.

Can I visit with my child before registering?

Yes of course! Just let us know beforehand so we know to expect you. We know it may be hard on you and your child when you bring them for the first few sessions but rest assured, we will endeavour to settle them as quickly as possible.  If they are struggling with the transition, we will call you to arrange an earlier pick-up time.

Am I able to book additional sessions?

All sessions are subject to availability and are allocated on a first come first served basis.  If your requested session is not available, you may go on a waiting list and will be contacted if that session becomes available. 

Are all the staff qualified and DBS checked?

Yes, all staff are qualified, and DBS checked.


Does my child need to be toilet trained?

No, your child does not need to be toilet trained and if he or she is still in nappies please make sure the staff are aware and leave a couple of nappies, and wipes, in your child’s bag which will be kept on their peg. To reduce the number of changes required please ensure your child is wearing a fresh nappy on arrival at Playgroup. If your child is toilet training, we again ask that you inform staff and keep some spare clothes in their bag. We will do our best to continue supporting your child any way necessary during their toilet training period.

What foods are offered as snacks?

We offer a healthy snack 3-week snack menu during our morning session including a carbohydrate and fruit or vegetable and a choice of milk or water. Typical examples might be bread sticks and hummus with carrot sticks, cheese, crackers and grapes.  If your child has an intolerance, allergy, or dietary preference we will discuss this with you and will take measures to ensure they are not brought into contact with the allergen, they will be offered a suitable alternative.

What can I put in their lunch boxes if they stay for lunch?

The only restrictions regarding their lunch boxes are that there are no sweets, chocolate, nuts or fizzy drinks and when providing grapes, they are cut in half or quarters lengthways.


How can I tell if my child is progressing?

Every time you collect your child a staff member will give you a brief summary of what your child has been doing that session. Should you wish to discuss anything in more detail staff would be very happy to arrange a mutually convenient time for both parties.

Each child has a key worker who will try to get to know your child a little better and they will maintain a profile of your child over their time with us. This will include photographs, examples of their work and notes on experiences and achievements.

What is your adult to child ratios?

Our ratio for 2½ year olds is 1 adult to 4 children. Our ratio for 3-year-olds is 1 adult to 8 children.  We generally over staff but never under staff.


What should my child wear to Playgroup?                                                                                    

Please don’t put your child in their best clothes. We ask that your child wear clothes that you won’t mind getting dirty or covered in paint or mud.               In the winter we ask for thick coats, hats and gloves and in the summer a sun hat.  Could all children please have a spare set of clothes in their bags.     Please label your child’s clothes as this will prevent loss and confusion.


When do the children go outside?

We do what is known as free flow and go outside in our garden every session come rain, sun or snow. So, coats, hats and wellies are needed in the winter.   In the summer if it is extremely hot, we will limit the children’s exposure to the sun.  As well as providing a hat we ask that you put sun cream on your child before they come in.


If my child is injured, will I be told?

Yes. Although we do our best to prevent accidents from happening within Playgroup, sometimes a child will suffer a knock or an accident.
Any injury, however minor will be recorded in our Accident Book and you are asked to sign on collection. This shows exactly what happened, when and what treatment was given to your child.  We will contact you by calling or texting to inform you of any incident/injury.


Who can collect my child from Playgroup?

We will not release any child into the care of any person that has not been authorised by you. Please, can you let us know at the start of the session who, in your absence, will be collecting your child at the end of that session.
We cannot allow anyone under the age of 16 to collect your child.

In the unlikely event of a child not being collected, staff will contact the main contacts from the registration document. If we have no success, we will then call the emergency contacts as indicated. For this reason, it is vital to inform us if any of your Emergency Contact Details change.


What is the committee?

The committee are a fantastic group of parents/carers past and present and community members that have given up their free time to help run our group. Without their help, Playgroup would not even be here. If you would like more information on joining the committee, please speak to one of our team.


Who do I contact if I need to discuss any issues?

For any queries regarding applications, sessions, fees, and general enquiries email jo@deganwyplaygroup.co.uk Her office days are Monday and Thursday.

Email Lisa@deganwyplaygroup.co.uk for queries regarding child development, welfare, and other child related concerns/queries.

Our telephone number is 07891717320, please give ring or text if your child will be absent, late or if there are any issues, we need to be aware of.

You can also contact us through messenger on our Facebook page.


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