About Deganwy Playgroup


Deganwy Playgroup is a registered charity and is run by a voluntary committee of parents and a dedicated team of employed staff. We rely heavily on the support of parents and appreciate any  help you are able to provide. In particular, we are always on the lookout for the next generation of Committee Officers; Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary are all essential roles for the running of the Playgroup and are a rewarding way to be involved in the local community and gain some new skills. Please contact us if you'd like more information on becoming a member of the committee or shadowing one of the existing committee members, who are all parents/carers of children who currently attend Playgroup or Playgroup Plus giving up a little of their free time for the benefit of the employed staff and our service users.


In order to fund the Playgroup we carry out a number of fundraising events throughout the year. Our committee organise and staff fundraising events (look out for our delicious cake stalls outside Ysgol Deganwy from 3pm!), once again if you think you can help us out with fresh fundraising ideas, or indeed you're in a position to be able to donate a prize or service we can use in one of our fundraising raffles, please contact us!


Our Playgroup wouldn't have enjoyed the success it has without the assistance and generosity of our parents, friends and local businesses over the years; we are sincerely grateful for your generous support!





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© Deganwy Playgroup